156. There Is No Finish Line
There’s a powerful principle that you absolutely must embrace if you want to continue growing, evolving, and becoming more. That principle is this: There is no finish line. This means that whatever you are doing to improve yourself, you must continue doing…for the rest of your life. Today on the podcast, I explain why there is no finish line and how this is actually a good thing and the key to you becoming your most badass self.

155. 3 Things All Successful People Do
What separates successful people from those who fail? What do successful people do that unsuccessful people don’t? Whether you want to lose weight or run an ultramarathon, you will either succeed or fail based on a few simple but very powerful principles. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll share the 3 things all successful people do that most people don’t.

154. The Truth About Food Restrictions
A lot of people feel the need to share their thoughts with me about food restrictions. They say things like, “I don’t ever want to restrict any foods”, or “All foods are OK in moderation”, or something like that. In this episode, I’m going to share the truth about food restrictions and why it might be necessary to restrict some foods if you want to lose weight and live your best life.

152. Struggling, Suffering, and Giving In
When it comes to eating healthy and losing weight, people think you have 3 choices: Struggle, suffer, or give in. Today on the podcast, I explain how you’re not stuck with struggling, suffering, and giving in, and how you can make healthy eating actually enjoyable and maybe even fun!

151. The Importance of Play
I think we can all agree that children need to play. Play is crucial for their brain development and their mental and emotional growth. But what about us adults? Should play be abandoned once we reach adulthood? In this episode of the podcast, I’ll be taking a deep dive into the importance of play and hopefully inspire you to integrate more play into your day-to-day life.

150. Do You Have an Addictive Personality?
A lot of people find it very hard to change their diet. Why do they do it? Why can’t they change? They will say it’s because they have an “addictive personality.” Today I want to unpack this delicate topic and help you understand whether or not you have an addictive personality, and what you can do about it.