207. How To Get Back on Track
If you want to accomplish a big goal, the key to getting there is consistency. The problem is, that most people don’t stick with something long enough to see the end result! They get off track somewhere along the way and usually end up staying off track. So today, it’s all about how to get back on track and how to stay there so you can actually crush those big goals.

206. Random Thoughts about Weight Loss for Runners
Sometimes, I have a bunch of thoughts that I want to share with you here on the podcast and I’ll create an episode for each one of those random thoughts. This is a great way of taking a deep dive into each topic and looking at it from several different angles. However, today’s podcast is going to be a little bit different. Instead of focusing on one topic, I’ve got several random thoughts about weight loss for runners that I want to share with you here today. They might all be seemingly random, but they do all focus on weight loss and running so maybe they’re not so random after all!

205. The Problem is You
Most people come up with all sorts of excuses, reasons, and stories for why they can’t accomplish something hard. You set out to lose weight so you change your diet but you eventually slip back into old habits and your new way of eating goes out the window. When you ask most people why they […]

204. Replay: 5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season
It’s officially the Holiday Season and that means it’s time to gain a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and start the new year feeling like crap, right? I know it seems kinda crazy when I say that out loud, but the truth is, that’s the way most people do it. Most people gain quite a bit of weight during the holidays and then swear a solemn oath that they will get back on track in January. In this episode, I offer a better approach to this time of year and I have 5 tips to avoid gaining weight this holiday season.

203. Making Sense of All the Conflicting Information
When it comes to diets and dietary advice, there is a lot of conflicting information out there. For every study that shows that one particular food is bad for you, there’s another study showing that it’s actually good for you. In this episode, I’m going to help you make sense of all the conflicting information out there so you can make informed decisions about how your particular food choices might affect your health.

202. Unraveling Unhealthy Thought Patterns
One of the toughest things about losing weight and keeping it off for good is developing a healthy relationship with food. I work with runners every day who admittedly have a very unhealthy relationship with food. So, one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself is to begin to recognize and then start unraveling those unhealthy thought patterns. That’s what this episode is all about so stick around, I think you’ll find some very helpful tips throughout this podcast.

200. Mindset Principles Runners Need to Know
Today is a very special episode – number 200 – and I wanted to do something a little different to celebrate this milestone. I’ve had a look over the last 200 episodes and picked out the most important mindset principles runners need to know in order to crush your running and weight loss goals. I’ve featured each of these principles on previous podcast episodes and you can easily go back through the archive and get a deep dive on each one of these any time.

198. Increasing Your Emotional Tolerance
When it comes to running tough races, you eventually get to a point where it’s all mind over matter. This emotional toughness or emotional tolerance is also required when you want to do other tough things in your life like not eating pizza when everyone around you is eating pizza! So today’s podcast is all about increasing your emotional tolerance so you’re better armed to tough it out when things get tough (which they always seem to do!)