217. 5 Ways to Improve Your Endurance
Whether you are just getting into running or have been at it a while, you should be actively working on improving your endurance. While there are many methods out there that are designed to help you improve your endurance, there are a few key principles that most runners overlook. So today on the podcast, I share 5 ways to improve your endurance to help you run longer and make running easier in general.

216. An Alternative Way To Fuel Long-Distance Running
As runners, we’ve been told over the last 40 years or so that the only way to fuel for running is with carbohydrates. Loads and loads of carbs. The thing is, this approach just doesn’t work for everyone. Some people (like me) gain a lot of weight eating all those carbs, regardless of how much we run. In this episode, I offer an alternative way to fuel long-distance running, one that doesn’t cause you to gain weight in the process.

214. Replay: Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss
Being overweight is not something that’s not talked about very much (or at all) in the running community. There seems to be some stigma around being a runner and being overweight. In this episode, I’ll share why running is not a very effective tool for weight loss, and why you need to treat the underlying physical, mental, and emotional aspects of overeating if you really want to lose weight for good.

211. Should You Be Tracking Your Food?
There are a lot of dieticians and weight loss coaches out there who preach the benefits of tracking your food. They suggest tracking every bite you eat, entering all of your food into an app each day, and then sticking to this routine for…basically…ever. Today on the Running Lean podcast, I answer the big burning question: should you be tracking your food? If no, why not? If yes, how should you do it?

209. Replay: Stop Arguing for Your Limitations
There are basically two ways to approach any challenge. One way is to focus on all the reasons why you can’t do it. The other way is to focus on all the reasons why you can. Today, talk about why you do this, how this kind of thinking is keeping you stuck, and how to stop arguing for your limitations.

208. Remembering Your Future
Most people spend a great deal of time thinking about the past. They ruminate over things they did that they regret doing. They focus all of their energy on past events and spend zero time or energy on their future. This is a mistake. Why? Because you can’t change the past, it’s over and done with. But you can 100% change your future, so that’s a much better place to focus your energy. So this episode is all about remembering your future so you can make that future a reality.